Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Prepper Mistakes to Avoid | Survival Tips

Prepper Mistake #1: Focusing on One Potential Disaster

It is acceptable to focus on and prepare for a volcanic eruption, nuclear, chemical or biological attack, or even a 10.0 magnitude earthquake, but do not forget the fact that prepping is about surviving any artificial or natural disaster. You cannot spend all of your limited resources on one endeavor. Over time, you will likely have to survive multiples of disasters.
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Monday, August 10, 2015

How US Special Forces Handle Home Perimeter Security When SHTF

Dennis jumped on his mountain bike and pedaled as fast as possible through the brush and onto the short trail that would take him directly to the back door of his house in the growing evening darkness. Either his radio or batteries apparently had just chosen this inopportune moment to give out. Traversing the trail quickly on the bike was something he could do even in complete darkness however, as he had traveled it at least twice daily even before the collapse. Less than two minutes earlier he had spotted a truckload of armed men using his binoculars. Dennis knew they were raiders. They had running lights on and he doubted they had night vision equipment. The truck was turning into the entrance of his small, otherwise empty neighborhood and starting up the first hill.
Since the collapse and ensuing pandemic, everyone else in his neighborhood had left, died or been killed. Dennis, his brother’s family and two other small families from the neighborhood were now the sole residents, and even they were making plans to leave within the next week. Things were just becoming way too dangerous now that word had apparently gotten out that there might be a house in this neighborhood worth looting, women worth raping and food, ammo and medicine to the raiders who took it.
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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Top 5 Post Apocalyptic Livestock For Preppers

Fresh Food after the Apocalypse

Are you concerned about how you’ll raise food for your family after a social and economic collapse? Has it occurred to you that your food preps will eventually run out? Many preppers are thinking about the same things. We all want to have a supply of fresh food to keep ourselves and our families in good health, even if the stores are closed or a can of tuna costs twenty bucks

Raise the Right Livestock

It might sound like the idyllic life to have a couple dairy cows, a flock of chickens, and a coon hound sleeping on the front porch.
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Saturday, August 8, 2015

How to Build the Ultimate Survival Shelter

This past winter (one of the coldest winters in US history, I might add) I filmed 8 episodes of a new survival show called Fat Guys in the Woods. In the show, I take 3 different guys each week deep into the wilderness to prove that if they can survive a week in the woods with me, then they can do anything they put their minds to when they get back home. Even though the title says “fat guys,” it’s not a weight loss show. It’s a wake-up call and ultimately a kick in the pants to bring about positive change. It’s all about men becoming better men by connecting with the wilderness and ultimately themselves. I literally take three guys off the couch and into the weather for a week with practically nothing but a knife and a canteen. It gets crazy real quick after that. 
Seeing that it was one of the coldest winters on record, shelter became our #1 survival priority week after week. 

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Friday, August 7, 2015

Adapt or die: Why you need more skills and less stuff

Preppers have a bad reputation for hoarding gear, stocking up on a year’s-worth (or more) of food, and packing bug out bags that could supply a platoon. In almost all cases, these preppers would be screwed if there were a disaster or SHTF.
Gear and supplies are useless unless you still have it when you need it, and as I’ve experienced several times in the military – in emergency situations, things don’t usually go as planned.
There is an inherent cost associated with collecting stuff that extends past the initial purchase. 
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Thursday, August 6, 2015

50 Reasons Why Preppers Need Vinegar in Their Stockpiles

Every self-respecting prepper should have lots of vinegar stashed away. Here are 50 reasons why. (Many of them were graciously contributed by my friend Joe Marshall at Survival Life.)

Why Preppers Need Vinegar In Their Stockpiles

1. Disinfect wood cutting boards.
2. Soothe a sore throat; use 1 tsp. of vinegar per glass of water, then gargle.
3. Fight dandruff; after shampooing, rinse hair with vinegar and 2 cups of warm water.
4. Remove warts; apply daily a 50/50 solution of cider vinegar and glycerin until they’re gone.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

SHTF Lessons from One Year in Hell

We each have our own idea of what TEOTWAWKI would look like. For some, it is the deserted highways patrolled by maniacs in super-charged vehicles murdering anyone in their sight for fun as demonstrated in the 1981 movie, The Road Warrior. For others, our imagination might paint a world somewhat less violent overall, but lacking more in technological resources like electricity or machines powered by fuel that without refining capacity has vanished. Sort of a global reset where we all have to learn skills again but more or less still get along and farm a good bit more.

We are each limited only by our own imaginations as to what any potential SHTF world would look like and there are many visions (usually fueled by books or movies) that I draw on for inspiration when I am thinking about a life gone wrong.

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